TFM Midday Update 02-01-2023


  • Mar corn down 3 @ 6.77
  • Today the Fed is expected to issue an interest rate increase of 0.25% which could affect the markets
  • Argentina announced a 27 million dollar bailout for drought-stricken farmers – combined losses for corn, soybeans, and wheat could be up to 20 mmt
  • Brazil corn may work its way into Europe as it is now cheaper than Black Sea feed wheat
  • The Cattle Inventory report showed Jan 1 cattle down 3%, which could mean less feed demand for corn


  • Mar soybeans down 15 @ 15.23
  • The Ag attaché in Argentina lowered their soybean crop to 36 mmt (which is down 9.5 mmt from the official USDA estimate)
  • US Energy Department reported that renewable diesel plant capacity increased by 141% over the previous 12 months
  • US soybean export inspections are running higher than the USDA’s estimated pace
  • China may try to hold out on making US purchases in favor of the coming Brazil crop


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  • Mar Chi wheat down 6 @ 7.55, Mar KC up 3 @ 8.82, & Mar MNPLS up 4 @ 9.26
  • SRW wheat crop conditions are good, and the expectation for a drier trend in April could help that harvest
  • US wheat is still more expensive than Russia and Germany
  • After a firmer close yesterday, wheat is mixed this morning
  • Winterkill is still a threat to the HRW crop
  • US wheat sale commitments are 7% below last year
  • Egypt’s GASC is tendering for Feb-Mar wheat with Russia expected to be the origin


  • Feb LC down 0.200 @ 158.650 & Mar FC down 2.375 @ 183.775
  • The Cattle Inventory report results were generally as expected
  • Beef cow herd down 4% from last year & calf crop down 2%
  • Both live and feeder cattle futures are weaker this morning, an indication that much of the report was already factored into the market
  • Choice cuts down 2.01 and select up 1.40
  • Cattle slaughter projected at 128K
  • CME Feeder Cattle Index for 1/31: up 0.54 @ 180.42


  • Apr hogs down 1.900 @ 84.525 & Apr pork cutout down 1.500 @ 93.075
  • Feb hogs may continue to converge with the index as that contract nears expiration
  • Choppy trade in April contracts forward may indicate support is building
  • There has not yet been anything to trigger the funds to begin short covering
  • Higher cash expected today as packers need to maintain slaughter pace
  • National Direct Afternoon report gained 0.77
  • Hog slaughter projected at 490K
  • CME Lean Hog Index for 2/1: down 0.13 @ 72.58


Brandon Doherty

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