- May corn down 1 @ 6.36
- Corn is trading slightly lower in anticipation of tomorrow’s WASDE which may show exports revised to be lower
- Last week 35.4 mb of corn were inspected for export which brings total inspections to 602 mb and is down 38% from the previous year
- There have been some rumors of China buying US corn as it is now supposedly cheaper than Ukrainian offers but the rumors are unconfirmed
- Private analysts are now pegging Argentina’s corn crop as low as 36 to 39 mmt which is significantly below the USDA’s last estimate of 47 mmt
- May soybeans down 9 @ 15.20
- Soybeans are trading lower pulled down by a sharp selloff in bean oil as Malaysian palm oil fell another 1.8% and crude down over a dollar a barrel as well
- Argentina’s soybean production continues to look worse and worse with some private analysts predicting a drop below 30 mmt
- Tomorrow’s WASDE could show the USDA lowering Argentina production from their previous estimate of 41 mmt to the lower 30’s
- Brazil’s harvest is pegged at 43% complete which is up 10 points from last week despite wet conditions
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- May Chi wheat up 4 @ 6.99, May KC up 3 @ 8.01, & May MNPLS down 3 @ 8.56
- Wheat is trading slightly higher after dropping to its lowest levels in 17 months for Chi wheat and 13 months for KC yesterday
- Cheap offers out of Russia continue to pressure world prices lower
- The Black Sea wheat corridor has not been confirmed to be extended yet and likely only will be if it benefits Russia in some way
- Australia’s ABARE raised Australian wheat production to a record large 39.2 mmt which could add additional bearish pressure
- Apr LC down 0.100 @ 166.000 & Apr FC down 0.025 @ 198.600
- Both live and feeder cattle are lower today, but the overall trend has been friendly with boxed beef and cash on the rise
- Cash may be higher again this week now that feedlots are in control and packers need cattle with 23% of purchases last week for delayed delivery
- Choice cuts up 0.88 and select down 0.39
- Cattle slaughter projected at 125K
- CME Feeder Cattle Index for 3/6: up 1.78 @ 187.21
- Apr hogs down 0.100 @ 99.500 & Apr pork cutout down 0.300 @ 90.050
- Hogs are lower today after cash fell but the cutouts gained 1.76, but the overall trend for cash and cutout has been lower than needed
- This morning China warned that “conflict is inevitable” with the US unless the US changes course and that may be negatively affecting hogs and soybeans
- National Direct Afternoon report lost 0.66
- Hog slaughter projected at 480K
- CME Lean Hog Index for 3/7: up 0.20 @ 78.91