TFM Midday Update 07-08-2022

Provided by Stewart-Peterson Inc.



  • Sep corn up 19 @ 6.28
  • USDA reported net cancellations of 2.6 mb of corn export sales for 21/22 and an increase of 4.4 mb for 22/23
  • Farmers in Ukraine are reportedly getting $1 per bushel for their corn
  • Rumors of China buying U.S. corn off the PNW
  • CONAB in Brazil increased their estimate of the country’s corn crop to 115.7 mmt (vs 115.2 last month)


  • Sep soybeans up 28 @ 14.11
  • USDA reported net cancellations of 5.9 mb of soybean export sales for 21/22 and an increase for 8.8 mb for 22/23
  • U.S. weather forecast suggests rains this weekend but then maybe two weeks of warm/dry conditions for most of the Midwest
  • China is considering $220 billion stimulus to help their economy
  • Nov beans have closed the recent gap left on the chart


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  • Sep wheat up 42 @ 8.78, Sep KC up 41 @ 9.30, & Sep MNPLS up 53 @ 9.87
  • USDA reported an increase of 10.5 mb of wheat export sales for 22/23
  • Farmers in Ukraine are reportedly getting $2 per bushel for their wheat
  • European dryness is a factor in rallying wheat prices
  • Argentina’s wheat crop is also struggling with dryness
  • USDA Supply and Demand report due for release July 12 – wheat carryout estimates currently have a wide variation


  • Aug LC down 0.500 @ 134.050 & Aug FC down 0.500 @ 171.975
  • Cash activity expected today due to it being the end of the week and packers need cattle
  • Concern about demand is one of the main things on traders’ minds
  • Rebounding corn is pressuring cattle futures
  • Choice cuts up 0.02 and select down 0.35
  • Cattle slaughter projected at 124K
  • CME Feeder Cattle Index for 7/7: down 2.18 @ 162.90


  • Jul hogs down 0.250 @ 113.000 & Jul pork cutout unchanged @ 112.750
  • Oct & Dec hogs have broken above the 100-day moving average
  • Chart gaps remain below current levels and may need to be filled
  • Hog weights are declining but there is sufficient supply to satisfy the demand of packers
  • National Direct Afternoon report declined 3.17
  • Hog slaughter projected at 469K
  • CME Lean Hog Index for 7/8: up 0.23 @ 110.16


Brandon Doherty

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