TFM Midday Update 3-20-2023


  • May corn down 2 @ 6.32
  • Rains in Argentina and continued concerns about the banking system are weighing on commodity markets
  • This week China’s president will meet with the presidents of Russia and Brazil and could come up with a regional trade agreement
  • Despite four days of Chinese corn purchases totaling about 83 mb, corn is weaker this morning
  • New outlets are reporting that UBS purchased Credit Suisse for $3.2 billion


  • May soybeans up 1 @ 14.77
  • Last week there was a drop in Brazil soybean and soybean meal premiums which pressured the markets
  • May soybeans on China’s Dalian exchange hit a 7 month low to the equivalent of $16.57 per bushel
  • Continued weakness of crude oil not helping, with the May contract trading around $66 per barrel at midday
  • The rains in Argentina likely won’t do much besides help to stabilize the crop


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  • May Chi wheat down 9 @ 7.01, May KC down 6 @ 8.30, & May MNPLS down 7 @ 8.54
  • India has uncertain weather with too much rain in some areas and not enough in others
  • Russia has said that the Black Sea corridor deal was extended for 60 days but Ukraine is saying it was 120 days, leading to uncertainty there
  • Paris milling wheat futures gapped lower due to the extension of the deal
  • The continued drought conditions in the US southern plains provide bullish support


  • Apr LC up 0.050 @ 162.375 & Apr FC up 0.400 @ 195.050
  • Cattle on Feed report results: on feed at 96%, placements at 93%, marketings at 95%
  • The report was bullish compared with last year, but neutral compared to pre-report estimates
  • April live cattle still have a chart gap above the market which could be filled
  • There is concern over cash strength this week
  • Choice cuts down 0.60 and select up 0.68
  • Cattle slaughter projected at 126K
  • CME Feeder Cattle Index for 3/17: down 0.84 @ 187.87


  • Apr hogs down 1.025 @ 78.850 & Apr pork cutout down 1.975 @ 84.900
  • Outside market pressures are still a concern for hog prices
  • Lower cash and cutouts on Friday may limit upside price movement
  • Hog futures are oversold and due for a bounce after the recent downtrend
  • National Direct Afternoon report declined 1.22
  • Hog slaughter projected at 480K
  • CME Lean Hog Index for 3/20: up 0.06 @ 80.01


Brandon Doherty

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