TFM Morning Update 07-06-2023


  • Corn is beginning the day higher but is still near its lowest prices of the year after the USDA estimated 94.1 million acres planted.
  • Rains are currently falling in southern Kansas and the Oklahoma Panhandle and the rains are expected to move east over the Corn Belt in the next five days.
  • Areas North of the Corn Belt are expected to remain drier, but temperatures will also be lower giving some relief.
  • Brazil has reportedly harvested 20% of their second crop corn and based on yield data, analysts raised production estimates again.


  • Soybeans are trading slightly higher this morning apart from the front month which is lower, while soybean meal trades higher and soybean oil is lower.
  • The rains falling in Kansas are forecast to move into the southern Midwest and are expected to miss most of Missouri, but the 6 to 10 day forecast looks wet for the central Corn Belt.
  • The USDA’s forecast for 83.5 million acres of beans has kept prices elevated, and next week’s WASDE will likely add to the bullishness with a small ending stocks number.
  • Exports have been poor with Brazil keeping a firm grasp on the competition, but US soybeans are getting support from renewed soybean oil demand.


  • Wheat is mixed this morning with Chicago lower bur KC and Minn higher as rain in Kansas is expected to delay harvest for another couple of days.
  • Russia attacked the city of  Lviv overnight and Ukrainian forces have said that Russia is making slow progress in taking back eastern Ukraine.
  • Russia’s wheat crop estimates were raised by 2.5 mmt and are now at 85.7 mmt on goods weather.
  • The French 2023 soft wheat yield is seen at 5% above the 10-year average and was helped by good sowing conditions and frequent rains in early spring.


Amanda Brill

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